We all want to be the person that makes a major difference in someone’s life. To do something that fundamentally changes their perspective, awakening them to (or reminding them of) their worth in Jesus. The more things we can change in someone’s life, the better, or so we think.
Our culture mimics this desire—which movies come to mind when you think about making a difference? Braveheart? Good Will Hunting? The Blind Side?
While all of these movies point to major sacrifices made for others, be it for their country, their patient, or a boy nobody noticed, these aren’t the only endeavors that can make a big difference. All lasting changes have to start from somewhere, and often it is those smaller actions that get the ball rolling, the ripples spreading.
As a blog newly launched by The Skipping Stone, we want to shine the spotlight on the small acts of kindness that add up to make enormous impacts on people’s lives. By focusing on what ordinary people are doing every day to shine the light of Christ on others, we celebrate these small moments of giving as they are.
This will be a place to learn about what others are doing in this community of supporters as well as to contribute ideas to foster change. Many of our future posts will feature you, our community members, as well as information about the women in India that The Skipping Stone is helping free from bondage through Christ’s love. We look forward to relaying their stories so that you can get to know more about these women, and we also look forward to unearthing more of the amazing things you guys are doing for each other and for others every day.
Right from the start, we want to get you involved. We want to hear from you! Do you know of someone in your town, workplace—even your own house—who demonstrates a habit of small kindnesses? Has a kindness been shown to you that has shaped your life for the better? If you want to share, please comment below or email us at info@theskippingstone.com and we will be happy to present your story in this new space.