When we work for God’s kingdom, what we do is much more important than who we are individually. We are servants of the King, completing a task set out to accomplish his perfect will to restore relationship with his people.
While God cares about our inner workings and individual needs, fulfilling them perfectly in his time, it is our mission as Christ followers to help fulfill the needs of others as we see them, whether they are large, immediate needs like rescuing a woman from bondage or smaller, more “daily” needs such as offering encouragement to a man tired from training at his new job.
No task is too small to help someone feel God’s call to relationship, and it is these small tasks that we will focus on in The Skipping Stone in the weeks to come. We know who was won the world, and we do not need to be concerned about how the big moments of life will come together. Jesus’ work is already finished, his big moments already laid out.
Instead, we are simply those who implement the good things God has given us, the good news he has brought to our ears. We are the hands and feet, the often unnoticed operatives in a grand scheme to demonstrate love to those who need to be reminded of it.
We invite you to join us in the next few weeks to both read the stories of those faithful servants who make courageous, tiny steps towards God’s goodwill, and to be active participants in this journey towards global redemption.
Our first series of posts, entitled Hope for an Exit, depicts the small kindnesses performed by workers in The Skipping Stone training center. These workers are helping free women and their children from the bondage they face living in an Indian brothel—many of whom were forced to work there from an early age. They are speaking life into these women, sharing the hope of Jesus in tangible and immediate ways. We present this as our first series in order to introduce you to the inner workings of what is going on within the training center as well as to inspire you to create small kindnesses for God’s glory in your own lives. To maintain a degree of safety for these women, all the names in these posts will be changed, but we feel that the personal aspects of their stories will teach you more about their lives as well as the love shining through them as a result of God’s grace.
Interested in joining this journey? Have stories of small acts of kindness you would like to share? Comment below or contact us at info@theskippingstone.com.