The majority of women that come to The Skipping Stone have never known what it is to experience the love of a father, either due to abuse or absence in the home. The patriarchal norms of India often mean that, without a father or husband as head of household, it is nearly impossible for women to be viewed and respected as a contributing member of society. Through The Skipping Stone and partner non-profits, these women will discover that, regardless of what they’ve been taught, the gift of a father’s love can take on a much different form - one that changes lives forever.
Since early childhood, Jaya watched her mother endure years of abuse from her alcoholic father. When he abandoned the family and her mother was forced to work as a household maid, Jaya watched her mother endure even more physical and verbal abuse at the hands of her employers. When Jaya became old enough to work, there was not much to question - she expected this painful cycle to continue with her. Fortunately, Jaya became connected with Aatma Vikas and discovered an employment opportunity that not only allowed her to support her family, but provided her with respect, dignity, and freedom to grow. She quickly learned how to sew and excelled in her role on the accessories team. Today, Jaya has strengthened her role at The Skipping Stone by becoming a trainier to newcomers. She also works in the community to encourage women who, just like her, need an opportunity to discover their worth.
Though Jaya, along with countless other women in our world, never had the opportunity to experience the love and care of an earthly father, she doesn't let that discourage her. Not only has Jaya received the vocational training she needs to support and empower her family; she has uncovered the fulfillment that comes only when we allow ourselves to rest in the deep love of the Heavenly Father.
This Father's Day, we not only celebrate the dedication of the earthly fathers in our lives, but recognize how the Heavenly Father's grace is the true power that sustains each and every one of us. Through the love of Jesus, no child will be forgotten.
If you have a story to share about a super-dad who has made a difference in your life, or the ways God has provided for you, please share with us! Send to